
Showing posts from December, 2016

Website Color Palettes: The Palettes of 50 Visually Impactful Websites to Inspire You Css Zilla

Did you know that Facebook is blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green color blind? “Blue is the richest color for me; I can see all of blue” says Zuckerberg. While this choice of color doesn’t seem very scientific, it’s still proves that a lot of thought is put into the choice of color. As Buffer writes, over 90% of our assessment of a product is made on color alone, so it makes sense that color should be considered with care for every design decision, particularly on websites. Chances are, if we don’t like the color palette, we’re not going to stay on the site for very long. To get you started on your own palette, we’ve gathered 50 beautiful websites with versatile color schemes you can take inspiration from. So without further ado, let’s get knee-deep in some beautiful colors. 01. Fun and Professional <img width="700" height="404" src="" class="attac...