Css Basics , Css interview questions and answers
background-color= specifies the background color of an element.
background-repeat: repeat-x;= repeated only horizontally
background-repeat: repeat-y;=repeated only vertically
background-position: right top;= change the position of the image
background-attachment: scroll|fixed|local|initial|inherit;(image are fixed and content are move)
text-decoration: none;= text-decoration property is mostly used to remove underlines from links for design purposes:
: overline=text upper line
:line-through=strike the line
:underline=text underline
text-transform= used to specify uppercase and lowercase letters in a text. and capitalize the first letter of each word
text-indent: 50px;= used to specify the gap(empty line ) of the first line of a text.
text-shadow=the property adds shadow to text.(text-shadow: h-shadow v- shadow blur-radius color|none|initial|inherit;)
white-space: nowrap;=single line text(p tag same process)
font-variant: normal|small-caps|initial|inherit;(text latter change)
font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number|initial|inherit;
list-style-image Specifies an image on list style type
list-style-type Specifies the list type = circle;square;upper-roman
border-collapse=the property sets whether the table borders are collapsed into a single border or separated:(single line border)
border-top-style: dotted;
border-right-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: dotted;
border-left-style: solid;
outline=outerside border(outline-color,outline-style,outline-width,inherit)
Padding - Clears an area around the content.(inside the content space in border)
Margin - Clears an area outside the border.
display: block= that means that the element is displayed as a block,
display: inline= that means that the element is displayed inline,
display:none=hide total display
visibility:hidden=display hide but occupies space
position(left right top bottom)=absolute=default fixed position(sub node of relative position)
fixed=A fixed element does not leave a gap in the page
All CSS Pseudo Classes
Selector Example
:active a:active
:checked input:checked( only checked button are resize or - -largest,highlights)
:empty p:empty (only empty page are show)
:first-child p:first-child (first line changed of main content,sub content)
:first-of-type p:first-of-type(first line changed)
:hover a:hover (mouse over changed the task)
:in-range input:in-range (number range start)
:last-of-type p:last-of-type (last page changed)
:link a:link (link color size)
:read-only input:read-only(only read no create text in text box)
:read-write input:read-write
:required input:required
:valid input:valid(only valid data color change )
:visited a:visited
::after p::after (select the content after p tag)
::before p::before ( add to before content)
::first-letter p::first-letter (first latter are changed (small,capital,color))
::first-line p::first-line(first line changed provide color,size)
::selection p::selection (add to select color,size) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[attribute~="value"] selector is used to select elements with an attribute value containing a specified word.( (~)=accept particular one word)
border-radius =change the"rounded corners".
box-shadow= Adds one or more shadows to an box( box-shadow: 10px 10px grey;)
text-shadow= Adds one or more shadows to a text
word-wrap: break-word;= the property allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line(total words set in block)
word-break: keep-all;=(total word complete then next line)
word-break: break-all;=(complete word first and second line)
transition: width 5s;=hover process 5 second completed
background-color= specifies the background color of an element.
background-repeat: repeat-x;= repeated only horizontally
background-repeat: repeat-y;=repeated only vertically
background-position: right top;= change the position of the image
background-attachment: scroll|fixed|local|initial|inherit;(image are fixed and content are move)
text-decoration: none;= text-decoration property is mostly used to remove underlines from links for design purposes:
: overline=text upper line
:line-through=strike the line
:underline=text underline
text-transform= used to specify uppercase and lowercase letters in a text. and capitalize the first letter of each word
text-indent: 50px;= used to specify the gap(empty line ) of the first line of a text.
text-shadow=the property adds shadow to text.(text-shadow: h-shadow v- shadow blur-radius color|none|initial|inherit;)
white-space: nowrap;=single line text(p tag same process)
font-variant: normal|small-caps|initial|inherit;(text latter change)
font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number|initial|inherit;
list-style-image Specifies an image on list style type
list-style-type Specifies the list type = circle;square;upper-roman
border-collapse=the property sets whether the table borders are collapsed into a single border or separated:(single line border)
border-top-style: dotted;
border-right-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: dotted;
border-left-style: solid;
outline=outerside border(outline-color,outline-style,outline-width,inherit)
Padding - Clears an area around the content.(inside the content space in border)
Margin - Clears an area outside the border.
display: block= that means that the element is displayed as a block,
display: inline= that means that the element is displayed inline,
display:none=hide total display
visibility:hidden=display hide but occupies space
position(left right top bottom)=absolute=default fixed position(sub node of relative position)
fixed=A fixed element does not leave a gap in the page
All CSS Pseudo Classes
Selector Example
:active a:active
:checked input:checked( only checked button are resize or - -largest,highlights)
:empty p:empty (only empty page are show)
:first-child p:first-child (first line changed of main content,sub content)
:first-of-type p:first-of-type(first line changed)
:hover a:hover (mouse over changed the task)
:in-range input:in-range (number range start)
:last-of-type p:last-of-type (last page changed)
:link a:link (link color size)
:read-only input:read-only(only read no create text in text box)
:read-write input:read-write
:required input:required
:valid input:valid(only valid data color change )
:visited a:visited
::after p::after (select the content after p tag)
::before p::before ( add to before content)
::first-letter p::first-letter (first latter are changed (small,capital,color))
::first-line p::first-line(first line changed provide color,size)
::selection p::selection (add to select color,size) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[attribute~="value"] selector is used to select elements with an attribute value containing a specified word.( (~)=accept particular one word)
border-radius =change the"rounded corners".
box-shadow= Adds one or more shadows to an box( box-shadow: 10px 10px grey;)
text-shadow= Adds one or more shadows to a text
word-wrap: break-word;= the property allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line(total words set in block)
word-break: keep-all;=(total word complete then next line)
word-break: break-all;=(complete word first and second line)
transition: width 5s;=hover process 5 second completed
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css zilla is nice blog for interview questions